- Loss of interest
- Unmotivated
- Dreading going to therapy
- Anger
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Dissatisfaction with myself
- Emotional fatigue or depletion
- Despair
- Frustration: unable to breakthrough => leads to ‘Why bother. There’s no point. It’s hopeless. I can’t do anything anyway.’
- Feeling run-down
- Profound depression and a kind of emotional and spiritual exhaustion where I feel like I’m running on one battery, without the resiliency to recharge
- More difficulty interacting with people, both on the job and at home. Very bad tempered, hostile, less patience and tolerance
- Emotional meltdown
- Given up on quit smoking because I needed the rush
- Project
- Gym
- Communication Arts
- Possible camera course
- Possible dating
- Contact with Ken
- Care of Shadow
- Hi-Fi
- Choose music to soothe
- Eat sensibly
- Possible brochure
- No energy now. Previous: Don’t want therapy but results in anger, frustration
- As therapy becomes more painful and less rewarding, absenteeism is very attractive. Even when physically present, I am often emotionally and mentally absent from the job
- Fight burnout – Do what you were designed to do