Right Brain Inventory
- Visual, focusing on images, patterns
- Intuitive, led by feelings
- Process ideas simultaneously
- Mind photos used to remember things, writing things down or illustrating them helps me remember
- Make lateral connections from information
- See the whole first, then the details
- Organisation tends to be lacking
- Free association
- Like to know why I'm doing something or why rules exist (reasons)
- No sense of time
- Have trouble spelling and finding words to express myself
- Enjoy touching & feeling actual objects (sensory input)
- Trouble prioritising, so often late, impulsive
- Unlikely to read instructions manual before trying
- Listen to how something is being said
- Talk with my hands
- Likely to think you're naturally creative but need to apply yourself to develop your potential.
It is because of the random nature of my dominant right side, I must make lists and schedules or else I can't seem to complete any tasks.
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