Saturday, March 26, 2005

Cheers mate

Geez...after going on and on about how tired I am. I finally, doused myself with ice water, or what ever that is in the freezer... ice cream mmm... and actually sat down to plan for a trip to Perth.

My ideas flirted from one to the other, some wild and crazy, others mundane until my head was buzzing like an angry bee hive and threatened to have a melt down and turn into a blob of wax. Don't have a choice, made a list.

First: Airticket (okay... have to get one, called the travel agent. I was asked when I wanted to go, which date, what airline, if I wanted a direct flight.) Ooops! Had not thought about that. After moving all the paper on top of my table calendar, made a decision, called back and booked a direct flight (SQ ticket).

Second: Mobility in Perth. Rent a car! Now this is hard cos I am so fond of cars and when I finally get to choose which car I want to drive. There are so many dream cars, BMW Z4, Lexus, Ferrari. Whoa! Ok. Ok. I settled for a Toyota RAV4. Fun and sporty.

Accomodations: I'll be sleeping with my friend. Correction, I'll be staying with my friend. So that's covered.

Finally, I have to decided what I want to do in Perth. This one will have to wait a bit.


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